Get ready to sponsor our 5th annual charity walk! Canines 4 Comfort would love to advertise your business by putting your name or logo on event signage, website, and more. Many opportunities are available to help us help others. All proceeds from this event support the acquisition, training, and subsidy for our future service dogs and facility dogs. Over the next twelve months, our goal is to match and place at least ten dogs with a recipient, and our wait list continues to grow.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Military Family Walk Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

I would like to make a donation


Join us for a fun day with family, friends, and dogs!

  •  9:30 AM check-in opens
  •  9:30 AM - 12:55PM donate for a chance to win several great prizes
  •  9:45 AM walk-in registration available 
  • 10:30 AM walk through the park
  • 11:30 AM lunch service begins
  • 12:45 PM prize winners announced