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Tee off for a good cause! Join us for the Canines "FORE" Comfort charity golf outing and support Canines 4 Comfort. Enjoy nine holes of golf, delicious food, and exciting fundraising opportunities. Sponsor a hole, become a major sponsor, or simply join the fun! All proceeds directly support our life-changing programs.
Benefits of Par Sponsorship:
Exclusive Participation: Includes golf registration for two people (one twosome).
Brand Exposure: Your name/logo will be prominently displayed on a sign at the event.
Promotional Items: Your name/logo will appear on a give-away promotional item, ensuring continued brand visibility.
Sponsorship Recognition: Your name/logo will be included in our list of sponsors in our program, registration site, and social media highlighting your valuable contribution.
Benefits of Birdie Sponsorship:
Par Sponsor Marketing Perks: All the promotional advantages of a Par Sponsor.
Brand Exposure: Your name/logo prominently displayed on a give-away promotional item.
Exclusive Participation: Includes golf registration for four people (one foursome), providing a great opportunity for team-building and networking.
Benefits of Eagle Sponsorship:
Exclusive Participation: Includes golf registration for six people, offering a fantastic opportunity for team-building and networking.
Ace Sponsorship:
Enhanced Brand Visibility: Your name/logo will appear on a second give-away promotional item, ensuring even greater exposure.
Exclusive Participation: Includes golf registration for eight people (two foursomes), offering a fantastic opportunity for team-building and networking.
As a Beverage Cart Sponsor, your company logo featured on the beverage cart, which will be circulating throughout the golf course. This sponsorship opportunity ensures that participants stay refreshed and hydrated, all while highlighting your brand.
As a Hole-in-One Sponsor, your organization will enjoy high visibility and excitement at our golf outing. This prestigious sponsorship opportunity not only enhances your brand but also adds an exhilarating challenge for participants with a chance to win a $10,000 cash prize!
As a Ball Launch Sponsor, your organization will receive prominent visibility and recognition at our golf outing. This exciting sponsorship opportunity showcases your support while giving participants an unforgettable experience!
Becoming a Hole Sponsor is a fantastic way to show your support and gain visibility for your organization at our golf outing. As a Hole Sponsor, your company name and logo will be prominently displayed on signage at one of the holes, ensuring that all participants recognize your generous contribution throughout the day.