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Relationships that 'heel' Canines 4 Comfort is a 501(c)3 providing trained dogs to support mental health treatment and wellness. 


  • Canines 4 Comfort trains and places psychiatric service dogs with individuals experiencing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health diagnoses. The majority of these recipients are veterans and children. 

  • Canines 4 Comfort trains and places therapeutic facility dogs for schools and police departments in our communities. These specially trained dogs work with related service staff and administration to defuse emotional situations, help regulate students, provide a calming and nurturing environment, and bring joy to staff and students. With our law enforcement teams, these dogs bring goodwill to neighborhoods, provide relief and decompression to staff when dealing with serious situations, and assist with witness and victim interviews and debriefings.

  • Canines 4 Comfort provides resources, training, education, care, and support to our clients and the communities we serve. We also offer a professional program for our trained and in-training canines to visit and provide dog therapy to others.



Please consider a recuring donation. Recurring donations or monthly donations are funds that are given to a nonprofit every month by a group of regular donors.  No matter the size of the monthly donations, having recurring donations is the only way Canines 4 Comfort can expect to grow over time. These donations help keep the C4C running. 

Apart from the income and sustainability factor, having recurring donations also shows the belief that people have in our nonprofit. Through monthly contributions, we can keep a track of the number of people that have faith in our mission and this, in turn, helps build a community of people who are dedicated to the cause. Please join the cast of C4C "regulars."

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Did you know?

The average cost for a psychiatric service dog can range $15,000 to $30,000. This price includes the acquisition, nurturing, and extensive training our dogs receive and reflects the time, effort, resources, and amount of work that goes into raising an assistance dog. Canines 4 Comfort “tailors” the training our dogs receive specifically for each recipient and their condition and lifestyle. Please keep our average costs in mind when donating:

  • $25 buys a dog a leash and collar
  • $35 buys a service dog vest
  • $55 feeds a dog for one month
  • $60 prevents heartworm for a dog for one season
  • $65 sponsors a grooming for a small dog
  • $75 pays for after surgery medication
  • $90 sponsors a grooming for a large dog
  • $100 protects a dog from fleas and ticks for a season
  • $125 pays to neuter one dog
  • $145 pays to spay one female
  • $175 sponsors an annual veterinary visit including vaccines
  • $500 feeds a dog for one year
  • $700 - $2,500 provides basic obedience (level 1) training per dog




 Relationships that 'heel'